Monday, January 14, 2019

The Forest

The Forest😈 

By Cullen Lee Dickenson
age: 8

hello my name is Cullen and you can not tell what happened to me Three days ago. I was in the forest. I was siting on the top of a tree. But I saw some thing  out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to check so I did. I was walking and walking but finally! I saw this it was a space ship????

It kind of was worth it but now my planet might die!?!?!?! I looked at it for a long time so I walk back to home but... AN ALIEN SAW ME!!!!! I STARTED TO RUN faster and faster it got I was almost at home but it got me he bring me in I saw other people but they got turned into m m MONSTERS!😱😱

I said LET GO OF ME!! but he did not I in stead it made me go to bed I when I woke up
I could barely see but what I did see was a potion I was thinking that it was milk so I drink it all but then I heard them saying NO NO NOOOO!!!! Don't drink that!! it will give you powers! and then they threw me out and left and then I said that was COOL!  I walk back home well that is what I thought I WAS FLYING TO HOME! I almost bonked into a tree but I blasted with fire It well these are nice improvement! 

The Forest

The Forest😈  By Cullen Lee Dickenson age: 8 hello my name is Cullen and you can not tell what happened to me Three days ago. I was ...